HAT - Happy Active Town
HAT stands for Happy Active Town
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Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Happy Active Town? Happy Active Town can be abbreviated as HAT What does HAT stand for? HAT stands for Happy Active Town. What does Happy Active Town mean?Happy Active Town is an expansion of HAT
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Alternative definitions of HAT
- Handling And Assembly Technology
- Hardware Address Translation
- Housing Action Trust
- Height Above Touchdown
- Hatteras Income Securities, Inc.
- Homework And Teachers
- Heathlands, Queensland, Australia
View 50 other definitions of HAT on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
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- HAKOGFI Hook A Kid On Golf Foundation of Illinois
- HAKU Himpunan Alumni Kyoto University
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- HAL%209000 022>Heuristic Algorithmic Computer (2001 A Space Odessy)
- HALA Awasa airport
- HALAD Ḩalad
- HALAG HAL Allergy Group
- HALAL ḥalāl
- HALAM HAL Aluminum Mexico
- HALAS Hollidaysburg American Legion Ambulance Service
- HALB Hebrew Academy of Long Beach
- HALC Hubbards Area Lions Club
- HALCAM Helix Alpha Longitudinal Corrective Automated Mission
- HALCS HAL Computer Systems
- HALD High-Altitude Long-Duration
- HALDIGS Howard and Lajes Digital Graphic System
- HALDJ HAL Davis Jewelers
- HALE High Altitude/Long Endurance
- HALEX HAlogen Lamp EXperiment